10 Lessons That 2017 Has Taught Me
1. Change is Inevitable
My friends moved to England to pursue their dreams of becoming filmmakers. I am happy for them but at the same time, I knew that I would miss them. What I learned from their departure was that distance does not equate to the ending of a friendship, in actuality it made our friendship stronger. Another change that I had to withstand was a change in school administration, this was a difficult one for me and one that I am still getting accustomed to.
2017 was a year of changes. Each change helped me to become a stronger person.
My friends moved to England to pursue their dreams of becoming filmmakers. I am happy for them but at the same time, I knew that I would miss them. What I learned from their departure was that distance does not equate to the ending of a friendship, in actuality it made our friendship stronger. Another change that I had to withstand was a change in school administration, this was a difficult one for me and one that I am still getting accustomed to.
2. Take Risks
I took a risk and started Mel Bee’s Resources. This new platform gave me the opportunity to show my creative side and share my passions with others. I enjoy creating forms that will make tracking information easier and worksheets that my students enjoy completing. Sharing is something that I enjoy doing and this new platform is giving me the chance to do so. I’m hoping that through Mel Bee’s Resources I can connect with numerous teachers around the world.
2017 was a year that I decided to take a risk and start a business.
3. Complete Goals
2017 was a year that I reflected and progress monitored the goals that I made at the start of the year.
Goal setting is an essential skill to develop, however, when setting goals you must progress monitor throughout the process. I found myself at the start of 2017 creating lofty goals but midway through the year I noticed that I was not making any progress. My goals were too large. It’s imperative to start small with your goal setting so that the success that you achieve will be a motivating factor to continue. In 2018, create small achievable goals that will bring you closer to your larger goals.
My 2017 Vision Board |
4. Stay Organized
2017 reminded me to stay organized.
Let me start off by saying that I am not the most organized person in the world. This is something that I am definitely trying to work on. I have a system that works for me but I think I can do better. Hence, the reason that I have been creating a lot of productivity resources to keep me organized in my personal and work life. In addition to creating productivity tools, I have been utilizing my Happy Planner. I have a teacher Happy Planner and a personal Happy Planner. These two planners have helped me to stay organized and has increased my productivity immensely.
My Teacher Happy PlannerHappy Planner: Amazon Affiliate Link |
5. Create a Balance between Work and Home Life
2017 taught me the importance of separating work and home.
As much as I love teaching 2017 taught me that I am more than a teacher and I must spend time doing activities that have nothing to do with teaching. Additionally, 2017 taught me that I need to increase my productivity at work. I find myself engaging in staff lounge conversations (still do, I’m working on changing this) and wasting precious time that I could use to accomplish my to-do list. I’m learning that in order to create a work and home life balance I must minimize the time spent on doing frivolous things. For me, this is the biggest lesson of 2017 because I find myself doing a lot of school work at home and it got very tiring. I’m hoping in 2018 that I can balance my life. I’m ready to live my best life in 2018. Let’s go on this journey together.
Let's take the pledge: I will not spend more than 5 minutes in the staff lounge conversing with colleagues.
Let's take the pledge: I will not spend more than 5 minutes in the staff lounge conversing with colleagues.
Check back for more blog posts on lessons that I have learned each month. This year, I’m going to look for all the lessons that life is trying to teach me.
Grow With Me in 2018.

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