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What I learned this January

What I learned this January The most important lesson I learned this month: Be Careful Of Your Words Words are such a powerful tool that we have. We can use our words to uplift or destroy those we come in contact with. This January, I was reminded that it is important ...


Lessons Learned in 2017 from a Middle School Teacher

10 Lessons That 2017 Has Taught Me 1. Change is Inevitable  2017 was a year of changes. Each change helped me to become a stronger person.  My friends moved to England to pursue their dreams of becoming filmmakers. I am happy for them but at the same time, ...


What To Do Over Winter Break?

What To Do Over Winter Break? Take this winter break and relax! You deserve it, do something new that makes you happy. You have about to 5 or 6 months of school left where you will have endless to-do lists items to complete, take this time and spend with your family. Laugh, ...


It's Okay To Cry

I have come to realize that teaching is one of the hardest jobs where you play multiple roles. You are a teacher, mother/father, sister/brother, social worker, nurse, chef, maid, and so much more. It can often be emotionally and physically draining. Sometimes it is ...


Resource #1: Using a Vocabulary Chart in Social Studies

Social Studies is a vocabulary rich subject which students need an understanding of the definition of the words in order to grasp the different concepts. To aid students in the grasping the definitions of the words it is important to pre-teach vocabulary. At the start ...

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